Purple Star School

As a K-8 school that resides in close proximity to a military reservation, Huachuca City School is proud to say that the Arizona Department of Education has designated our school as a Purple Star School. This designation lets military parents know that our school is committed to assisting our military families. We recognize that military families relocate every 2-3 years, creating a unique set of needs. Our school is committed to meeting the educational and social-emotional challenges that military-connected students experience while transitioning to a new school. To learn more about the Purple Star designation in the state of Arizona, please visit the following website.

Arizona Purple Star School Program | Arizona Department of Education

Patriotic Events

April - Month of the Military Child

  • Wear Purple all month and earn a Mustang Buck for every day that you do!

  • Military Child Lunch with the Principals, April 4th.

May- Military Appreciation Month

  • Spirit Week, May 5th-9th

  • Veterans Appreciation Assembly May 9th @ 9:00 AM

  • Veterans Appreciation Lunch, TBD

Peer-to-Peer Mentoring

Our school is proud to offer Peer-to-Peer Mentoring. The Peer-to-Peer Mentoring program aligns with our commitment to all students at our school, and it facilitates peer mentorship to military students and their families. If you are interested in participating or supporting the Peer-to-Peer Mentoring program, please contact our school’s AZPSS point of contact for more information.